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"Neuro-Nourishment: Top 3 nutraceutical Strategies for Brain Health"

Updated: Mar 2

Gentle readers, welcome to the blog of Dr. Lovina Chahal, M.D. where I hope to be brief and actionable for your best brain health!

But first, a poll:

I am interested in brain health because...

  • I am not as sharp as I used to be

  • I am depressed or anxious

  • I want to perform better in my career

Whatever your reasons might be, these are the top three nutraceuticals I suggest to patients when they ask me how to have better mood, brain health or cognition:

  1. Fish oil

    1. 2000 mg to 4000 mg with a goal of 1:3 DHA: EPA ratio

    2. Preferred brand is Nordic Naturals.

  2. Magnesium glycinate

    1. 200- 400 mg dosed in the evening to promote relaxation and sleep.

  3. Sulforaphane concentrates

    1. Sulforaphanes are found in vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. They increase production of nrf2 which helps increase antioxidant response.

    2. Also sulforaphanes promote the enzymatic reactions in the liver that remove toxic compounds from the body and blood like pollutants from gas vehicles.

    3. Preferred product is Avmacol regular strength

    4. Best way to get sulforaphanes is to eat brassica veggies like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage daily

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